
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas! And Liv's guest post...

Christmas 2010, spent with family and some of our closest friends, ranks up there as one of the best ever.  Days like this remind me of how lucky I am to have this wonderful family and special friends.  Not only was Prime Rib was perfect, the champagne cocktail more than tempting and the pumpkin cheesecake a perfect finish to this wonderful day, but the time together was the biggest treat of all.  After being on my feet for about 14 hours straight, I'm too beat to write a wrap up, but I most certainly wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday.

In our thoughts today is Hester, from Comida es me vida, y mi vida es comida.  Earlier this week we learned of a tragic loss for her family.  Her 14 month old cousin, Annabelle, suddenly past away.  I simply can not fathom what Hester and her family are going through at this time.  While Hester is taking a bit of time from her blog, she asked Liv and I to fill in for a day or so.  Liv, after hearing about little Annabelle, immediately wanted to help.  She chose a Candy Cane Cookie thinking that it would have been something that the little one would have liked to make and eat!  We didn't have the best luck with our recipe, but Liv taught me some valuable lessons in the process.  Laughing and giggling through the evening, the two of us had a wonderful time putting the cookies that "didn't look so good" (but tasted wonderful!) together.  Check out Liv's post on Hester's blog if you get a chance!

Happy Holidays, my friends!  I hope this day has found you happy and healthy, and enjoying the treats and treasures of the season.

Liv - 2005


  1. Awww what a beautiful Santa Baby! Will check out your guest post!

  2. What a nice thought behind your choice of these cookies! Merry Christmas to you both~~

  3. Loved Liv's guest post and I wish you and your family a very happy holiday!!

  4. Wowzers... where does the time go!?!?! I was a graduating senior in 2005... yikes! Glad you had a Merry Christmas :-) Enjoy your day off, Kim! And thank you so much again to Liv (and you) for writing my guest post!!!!

  5. I'm heading to Hester's right now! She sure will need all our support. You girls, as always, have done a great job...not just in making the cookies but in showing us what Christmas is all about. Happy holidays to both of you!

  6. Merry Christmas Kim and thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I have enjoyed finding you and following your blog this year! Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend with your family, love the sweet photo;-)

  7. Merry Christmas, Kim. My Christmas didn't go as well as I had hoped; I guess I'm too much of a perfectionist. But when I read about Hester's loss while I'm watching Isaac playing here on the floor, it reminds me just how fortunate I am.

  8. I'm glad you had a good time with everyone! You must be exhausted though. I absolutely love that post.

  9. What a cutie in that picture. Loved the guest post! Merry Christmas!

  10. How thoughtful of Liv to chose those cookies. You are so kind to step up and help a fellow blogger. I cannot imagine how devastating it must be to lose a child, especially at the holidays.

  11. What a cutie face of Liv! I wonder what she looks like in 2010 :D. I will check out her guest post soon. That's tragedy for Hester and her family..

    Happy Holidays to your and your family Kim!

  12. You and Liv are very good examples of paying it forward, and thinking of others. I love the idea of the candy cane cookies. It's the thoughts that count.

  13. I read the guest post the day it came out. Beautiful post and what a lovely sentiment that Liv was so moved by such tragedy in Hester's family. Hope the holidays are kind to you, your girls, and everyone in your family.

  14. What a cute picture - she is radiant with happiness!


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