
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vanilla Spiced Oatmeal

Oatmeal may well be boring, but it ranks extraordinarily high on my list of favorite things.  Give me an oatmeal cookie any day and you will find a happy girl.  Oatmeal muffins?  Yep, those do the trick too.  And how about that crumble on top of the Blueberry Macadamia Crumble?  Most definitely my favorite part.  Add in the fact that "studies have shown" that those people who eat more oatmeal are less likely to develop heart disease and you have a true winner!

I've been told that oatmeal for breakfast is good for cold, wintery mornings - the steaming bowl of oatmeal goodness being the perfect solution to chilly bones.  While oatmeal does indeed warm you to the bones, I enjoy the steaming bowl topped with cinnamon and walnuts year round.  However... the same old bowl most every day does tend to get a bit old.

Spicing up my morning dose of oats I turned to a phial of ground vanilla, basically a vanilla powder giving off a most delightful tropical scent.  A present from a foodie friend recently returned from Paris who thought of me as she visited a well stocked spice market, I've been searching for new uses for my new found treasure, and my morning oatmeal definitely benefited.  With comments of "Kim... you really need to go to Paris!" still bouncing around my head, I settled instead for a beautifully spiced oatmeal to start my sunny summer morning.

Basic rolled oats stirred with a touch of brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg received just the flavor boost they needed with a simple sprinkle of the floral vanilla powder.  Regular vanilla extract would indeed work the same magic, bringing a boring bowl of oatmeal up to a new level and bringing just a bit of a tropical feel to your summer morning.

Vanilla Spiced Oatmeal
This is one of those recipes that you sort of add as you go along based on what you have on hand and what your personal preference is.  I've outlined a sample of what I do in the morning, and the measurements in the directions are what I use for two servings of oatmeal.
pinch of salt
brown sugar
pinch of nutmeg
vanilla powder (or extract)
fruit to garnish (we like strawberries, blueberries or raisins)
chopped walnuts

Prepare oatmeal according to package directions for the amount of servings you would like.  As the oats are nearly finished, stir a Tablespoon or two of brown sugar into the pot, allowing the sugar to get "melty" and combine with the oats.  Add a generous 1/8 of a tsp of cinnamon and a pinch or two of nutmeg, stirring again.  When oats are done, remove from heat and sprinkle with a few pinches of vanilla powder, or stir in a scant 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract.

Ladle into serving bowls and top with your favorite fruits and nuts.  Serve with milk and additional brown sugar if desired.

Note:  go lightly on the spices to start, it's easier to add more than it is to take out!


Oats are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
According to the American Cancer Society:
1. Insoluble fiber's cancer-fighting properties are due to the fact that it attacks certain bile acids, reducing their toxicity.
2. Soluble fiber may reduce LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. LDL is bad; HDL is good.
3. Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. This may be beneficial to diabetics because, when you slow down the digestion of starch, you avoid the sharp rises in your blood sugar level that usually occur following a meal.
4. It has been found that those who eat more oats are less likely to develop heart disease, a disease that is currently widespread in the United States.
5. The phytochemicals in oat may also have cancer-fighting properties.
6. Oats are a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Oats are also a good source of protein.


  1. Yum, that looks so yummy. I don't have any of the powder but I have a couple vanilla beans in my pantry. I'm going to give those a try tomorrow morning.

  2. I usually have oatmeal for breakfast. Sometimes I make it with dried cranberries. Other times, I make it with banana. It's quick and easy to make and it's good for you!

  3. I love oatmeal!! Your vanilla looks delightful.

  4. Tropical, i can dig :) I'm envious of your vanilla powder!

  5. Michael has his annual cholesterol screen in six weeks, so he's eating oatmeal for breakfast several days a week. I'm going to try this recipe for him this weekend. I'm sure he'll love it. I have some vanilla bean paste...wonder if it would work?

  6. Looks delicious! I usually make oatmeal all the time but since it's been hot here I've stopped making it every morning. This has got me craving it again though :D

  7. Mark eats oatmeal every morning for breakfast - wither hot or "Bircher" style, and I do every second morning. This looks so good, and I am sure he would love something new to try.

  8. Now, that's how you make oatmeal interesting! I too like oatmeal but pretty plain is the only way I usually eat. Gonna try this one :)

  9. Most nights I have a big bowl of oatmeal for dinner with either dried cranberries or frozen blueberries and a handful of walnuts. Yummo! Best wishes, Tammy

  10. Wow, this is a great oatmeal dish with vanilla. Perfect for breakfast and it is tasty too! Loved the photograph.

  11. I'm also a huge oatmeal fan! Love your choice of flavors!

  12. It's funny. I have oatmeal/oats in winter so why not in summer? You've inspired me, especially with the spices in there, Kim. Looks fantastic, especially as it's so healthy, too. Us Scots adore our oats - it's just a pity as a nation we ruin it all with eating all that saturated fat!

  13. Oooh, I've totally been on a vanilla kick lately. This sounds wonderful!

  14. This looks wonderful! I love Oatmeal anything, but cereal. Not sure what my problem is - but I just can't do it. Might be texture, might be taste - but I need to try it again!

  15. My two oldest one love oatmeal, and this is wonderful recipe! I think that they would love it! Wonderful pictures Kim..

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I love things made with oatmeal - cookies, crumbles, steusel... but cannot bear to eat the cereal! Maybe I should try this & see if that changes! My husband, on the other hand, would be really happy with a bowlful of this! :) Great post, Kim!

  18. I do love oatmeal. I actually eat it plain without anything on it, but this looks so good I have to try it.

  19. I am the same way Kim! I love oatmeal! So many people think it is boring but I love it to death and I love to have it for my breakfast with some fruit. This looks entirely too yummy to me! :-)

  20. Oatmeal, for me, is like Spaghettios...I always forget how much I love it until I eat some. This looks absolutely delicious. I need to find someone in Paris to get me some of this ground vanilla. Yum!

  21. I have never heard of vanilla powder. It certainly sounds like a delicous way to add a touch of vanilla to your dishes. I certainly plan on trying the oatmeal with my vanilla extract.


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