
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

PBJ Banana Waffle Sandwiches

Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Waffle Sandwiches

Even the most organized of us sometimes run out of an ingredient, but to run out of syrup on the day one makes waffles is unforgivable.  Or so I've been told.

With a batch of steaming Banana Waffles (our Blueberry Waffle recipe with bananas replacing the blueberries) ready to be eaten, Liv shook her head in despair as less than 1/2 of a teaspoon of syrup slowly dripped from our empty bottle.  Minutes before heading out the door to school, I had no alternative suggestion other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, something she is not particularly fond of.

A look of deep thought flashed over her face, and I was commanded to grab the peanut butter.  As I reached for bread as well, she smiled, but shook her head no.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Waffle Sandwiches
Grabbing the top waffle, the triangles were quickly separated, one side slathered with creamy peanut butter and the other with her favorite strawberry jam (Personally, I love how the peanut butter and jelly sinks into the little waffle squares...) Smooshing the triangle sandwiches together, I tapped my watch and told her, "Make it to go.".

Settled in the car she took her first bite.  Here eyes momentarily closed followed quickly with a broad smile as she went back for more.  Finishing the first waffle sandwich she had only one comment,


Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Waffle Sandwiches

Peanut Butter and Jelly Banana Waffle Sandwiches
Sometimes it's the simple things in life that turn out so wonderfully good.  Such is the case with these somewhat addictive waffle sandwiches.  We may be the last on the block to try waffle sandwiches, but we are singing to the rooftops about how good they are!  The carpool girls had their own share today and gave us another two thumbs up.

Leftover waffles.  We used our Blueberry Waffle Recipe, substituting finely diced bananas for the blueberries.
 Peanut Butter
Jelly or Jam

Simply separate your waffles and proceed to make a sandwich as you would with bread.  Make extra... you're gonna love 'em!


  1. I LOVE PB&J on waffles. I can only imagine how yummy it must be with the banana addition. Can I have one for lunch too?

  2. As Hubby would say, your girl really used her kidneys on that one. What a great idea.

  3. What a great treat for kids and adults alike!

  4. So fun!! Now this is how to start the day :)

  5. I need this in my life immediately! Sooooo smart to combine waffles with PBJ!

  6. Perfect breakfast, would make me smile the whole day :)

  7. I would be very happy with a stack of your special waffles for breakfast or for dinner ;-)

  8. This is such a brilliant idea!! At the end of the week I'm struggling for lunch ideas for my son. This is on my list to try next week :D

  9. I absolutely love this - my son requests waffle pb&js on a weekly basis. however, they would be WAY better on homemade waffles like yours :)

  10. I had never made waffle sandwiches before (and I had never had it!) and now you inspired me to make it very soon! Looks so good and perfect on the go because no need to cut with fork and knife! ;)

  11. Replies
    1. Janelle... I have to admit it's become one of my favorite lunches!!! (The kids just keep wondering where the leftover waffles went...!!)


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