
Monday, January 13, 2014

California Power Pomegranate Smoothie

After a relatively healthy 2013, the last few days of the year and the first few weeks of this year have been filled with "issues".  Everyone is currently as healthy as can be expected, but we've had hospital visits, rest home visits, veterinarian visits, along with twisted ankles and a few sniffles.  Hence, our eating habits have worked their way up to some of the healthiest we've ever enjoyed, and along with a lovely dose of California sunshine and a few of Dad's fresh from the tree oranges we're hoping to get everyone back on track.

Liv and her brother have always loved smoothies, but they have been known to be picky on occasion as they see me adding certain ingredients.  Both have different areas in their diet where they need a little boost, and as such I try to push those ingredients into smoothies.

But you should see the face of my nearly 18-year old boy as I reach for a handful of spinach to pop into his smoothie.  "No way!" he exclaims,  "I'm not drinking spinach in a smoothie!".  His face drops even further as I let him know I've been adding spinach to his smoothies since he was a baby and he never knew it.

Liv, on the other hand, pulled a face of her own as I dumped a few tablespoons of oatmeal into her sweet concoction.  "Seriously??  You're putting oatmeal into a drink?".  Yep... been doing that for years too.

So today we bring you our current favorite power smoothie... one filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and some fiber thrown in for good measure.  Here's hoping this beauty keeps you on the healthy track too.

California Power Pomegranate Smoothie
Filled with a rainbow of fruits and a dose of oatmeal for fiber, this smoothie has been a favorite of Liv as she re-energizes after hours of dance rehearsals.  Even my "There's no way I'm drinking that with spinach in it!" son has asked for seconds.  Putting my new Blendtec to use, this smoothie comes together in mere seconds!
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1 cup unsweetened pomegranate juice (I like the Pom Brand)
1 decent handful organic baby spinach
1 handful frozen mangoes
1 handful organic frozen blueberries
2 Tbs oatmeal
1 whole orange (peeled and chopped)

Place all ingredients into your blender and blend to desired smoothness.  Pour into glasses, garnish with a few pomegranate arils and serve immediately, or, freeze into popsicle molds for later.

Makes two smaller sized smoothies or 1 larger single serving.  Double ingredients for two large smoothies.  Occasionally we drop in a few chunks of banana too.  Enjoy!


  1. I'm ready for one right now. I love that this one's not too creamy. Looks like it's just full of flavor and great nutrition. Pinning it right now!

    1. We're trying to go dairy-free and haven't been missing it! Thanks Chris...

  2. This looks wonderful! The addition of spinach makes it a powerhouse. What a great way to get some green veggies into youngsters! I love this!

    1. I love adding greens... with spinach, no one even knows it's there unless they see me . :)

  3. I add oats to my protein shakes all the time. Great idea. Love the deep-purple color of this one. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Blender Dude!! I love the texture of the oats. The kids do too... they just didn't know it!

  4. Love pomegranate! So good! I love having oats in my smoothies as well. Such a great boost in the mornings!

    1. We're having a bit of a pomegranate obsession here lately!

  5. Holy cow that looks tasty! Great smoothie recipe :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

    1. Thanks Happy Valley Chow!!! Happy New year to you!!

  6. I discovered a system that saves time- I juice a whole bunch or two of beets, then make beet ice cubes- I can add one per day to my smoothie & it's a breeze. I also add water kefir, which I'm always brewing. I've also pureed the whole bag o' spinach, freezing into ice cubes as well- makes it a lot easier to make a healthy smoothie each day if I just have to grab an ice cube of this and that, and blend it up with a banana! (I posted my smoothie routine here:

    1. Jennifer, excellent tips!!! I'm off to visit your post... I'll it share as well!

  7. Kim,
    Love the addition of the pomegranate and oats to the smoothies. Will have to try those additions soon. Gorgeous Color!

    1. Thanks Becky!!! We are loving pom season!! And I need to get healthy stuff into Liv as much as possible...she never knew those oats were there...!

  8. Ha ha. Isn't that great when kids find out what you've been putting in their food. Yesterday my 17 year -old found out there was tofu in the chocolate mouse he ha been so enjoying.


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